By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py
//Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.//
!Ring-bearer (2 cards)
  * 幹rodo, Protected by Many
  * 愁he One Ring, The Ruling Ring

Adventure Deck (9 cards)
  * Fortress of Orthanc
  * Slag Mounds
  * Hill of Sight
  * Helm's Gate
  * Caras Galadhon
  * Hobbiton Market
  * Green Dragon Inn
  * The Prancing Pony
  * Trollshaw Forest

Free Peoples (30 cards)
  * Hope is Kindled
  * Hope is Kindled
  * Hope is Kindled
  * Hope is Kindled
  * No Worse for Wear
  * No Worse for Wear
  * No Worse for Wear
  * No Worse for Wear
  * Hobbit Sword
  * Hobbit Sword
  * Hobbit Sword
  * Hobbit Sword
  * Ranger of Westernesse
  * Ranger of Westernesse
  * 愁olman Cotton, Farmer of Bywater
  * Sworn Companion
  * Sworn Companion
  * Sworn Companion
  * Sworn Companion
  * 愚erry, Loyal Companion
  * 惹am, Steadfast Friend
  * 惹am, Steadfast Friend
  * The More, The Merrier
  * The More, The Merrier
  * 幹armer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish
  * Crouched Down
  * Crouched Down
  * Crouched Down
  * Incognito
  * Incognito

Shadow (30 cards)
  * 惹aruman, Agent of the Dark Lord
  * 惹aruman, Agent of the Dark Lord
  * Uruk Desecrator
  * Uruk Desecrator
  * Uruk Desecrator
  * Our Foes Are Weak
  * Our Foes Are Weak
  * Our Foes Are Weak
  * Weapon of Opportunity
  * Weapon of Opportunity
  * Weapon of Opportunity
  * Patrol of Uruk-hai
  * Patrol of Uruk-hai
  * Patrol of Uruk-hai
  * Squad of Uruk-hai
  * Squad of Uruk-hai
  * Squad of Uruk-hai
  * Squad of Uruk-hai
  * Intimidating Uruk
  * Intimidating Uruk
  * 愈ruk Dominator
  * 愈ruk Dominator
  * 愈ruk Dominator
  * Furor
  * Furor
  * Uruk Pikeman
  * Uruk Pikeman
  * Uruk Pikeman
  * Strange Device
  * Strange Device