===ROTKEomerStarter=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Frodo, Hope of Free Peoples * ·The One Ring, The Ruling Ring Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Edoras Hall * Rohirrim Camp * Hall of the Kings * Anduin Banks * Pelennor Flat * Minas Tirith Fourth Circle * Osgiliath Crossing * Morgul Vale * Slag Mounds Free Peoples (31 cards) * ·Eomer, Valiant Warchief * ·Eomer, Valiant Warchief * ·Eowyn, Restless Maiden * Hobbit Sword * Hobbit Sword * Knights of His House * Knights of His House * Knights of His House * Knights of His House * Long Spear * Long Spear * Long Spear * Long Spear * Morning Came * Morning Came * Riding Armor * Riding Armor * Rohirrim Guard * Rohirrim Guard * Swift Steed * Swift Steed * Swift Steed * Swift Steed * ·Theoden, Leader of Spears * Wind in His Face * Wind in His Face * Wind in His Face * Wind in His Face * Elite Rider * Elite Rider * ·Merry, Rohirrim Squire Shadow (31 cards) * Anguish * Anguish * Anguish * Mordor Defender * Mordor Defender * Mordor Defender * Mordor Defender * Mordor Regular * Mordor Regular * Mordor Regular * Mordor Regular * Mordor Savage * Mordor Savage * Mordor Savage * Orc Savage * Orc Savage * Orc Savage * Mordor Trooper * Mordor Trooper * Mordor Veteran * Mordor Veteran * Orc Brood * Orc Brood * Orc Officer * Orc Officer * Orc Officer * Orc Officer * Orc Pursuer * Orc Pursuer * Siegecraft * Siegecraft