===LRS=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms * ·The One Ring, The Ring of Rings Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Isengard Ruined * Cavern Entrance * Neekerbreekers' Bog * Redhorn Pass * Stables * Wold Battlefield * Mount Doom * The Prancing Pony * Trollshaw Forest Free Peoples (34 cards) * ·Targon * ·Aragorn, Thorongil * ·Denethor, Last Ruling Steward * ·Denethor, Last Ruling Steward * ·Denethor, Last Ruling Steward * ·Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow * ·Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow * No Travellers In This Land * No Travellers In This Land * Ranger's Cloak * Ranger's Cloak * Ranger's Cloak * Ranger's Cloak * Ithilien Blade * Ithilien Blade * Ithilien Blade * Ithilien Blade * Gondorian Blade * Gondorian Blade * Bow of Minas Tirith * Bow of Minas Tirith * ·Dinendal, Mirkwood Archer * ·Eowyn, Lady of Ithilien * Spear of the Mark * ·Elendil, High-King of Gondor * ·Legolas, Fearless Marksman * ·Garrison of Gondor * ·Tom Bombadil, The Master (P) * ·Hardy Garrison * ·Hardy Garrison * ·Denethor, Last Ruling Steward (O) * Coif * Rohirrim Mount * ·Pallando, Far-travelling One Shadow (34 cards) * Ships of Great Draught * Ships of Great Draught * Ships of Great Draught * ·Under Foot * ·Under Foot * ·Under Foot * Fierce in Despair * Black Sails of Umbar * Black Sails of Umbar * Black Sails of Umbar * Black Sails of Umbar * Black Numenorean * Black Numenorean * Corsair War Galley * Corsair War Galley * Corsair War Galley * Corsair War Galley * ·Castamir of Umbar * ·Castamir of Umbar * ·Castamir of Umbar * Wind That Sped Ships * Wind That Sped Ships * Wind That Sped Ships * Wind That Sped Ships * ·Castamir of Umbar (T) * Corsair Marauder * Corsair Marauder * Corsair Marauder * Quelled * Quelled * Corsair Marauder (T) * Corsair Plunderer * Corsair Plunderer * Corsair Plunderer