===elventsarchery=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom * ·The One Ring, The Ring of Doom Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Abandoned Mine Shaft * Breeding Pit of Isengard * Cavern Entrance * Stables * Chamber of Mazarbul * West Gate of Moria * Mount Doom * Caves of Aglarond * The Prancing Pony Free Peoples (33 cards) * ·Leowyn * ·Nenya, Ring of Adamant * ·Eowyn, Lady of Ithilien * ·Cirdan, The Shipwright * ·Elrond, Witness to History * ·Gil-galad, Elven High King * ·Celeborn, The Wise * ·Aegnor, Elven Escort * ·Aragorn, Thorongil * Seclusion * Seclusion * Seclusion * Seclusion * Farewell to Lorien * Mighty Shot * Mighty Shot * A Grey Ship * Point Blank Range * Point Blank Range * Point Blank Range * Point Blank Range * ·Dinendal, Mirkwood Archer * Coif * ·Legolas' Bow * Elven Bow * Elven Bow * Spear of the Mark * Rider's Mount * Elven Bow * Elven Bow * ·Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow * Let Fly * ·Legolas, Fearless Marksman Shadow (33 cards) * Forced March * Goblin Hordes * Goblin Hordes * Goblin Hordes (T) * Goblin Hordes (T) * Demoralized * Demoralized * Demoralized * Demoralized * Unforgiving Depths * Unforgiving Depths * Unforgiving Depths * Picket Denizen * Picket Denizen * Picket Denizen * ·Rallying Orc * ·Rallying Orc * ·Rallying Orc * Orc Strategist * Orc Strategist * ·Troll's Keyward, Keeper of the Beast * Prowling Orc * Prowling Orc * Prowling Orc * Mountain-troll * Mountain-troll * Orkish Smith * Orkish Smith * Orkish Smith * ·Horror of Harad * Always Threatening * Always Threatening * Emboldened Orc