===1. SETH=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom * ·The One Ring, The Ring of Rings Adventure Deck (9 cards) * The Angle * Buckland Homestead * Woody-End * Hill of Sight * Cavern Entrance * Caras Galadhon * Old Forest Road * Crossroads of the Fallen Kings * Trollshaw Forest Free Peoples (33 cards) * ·Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath * ·Celeborn, The Wise * ·Elrond, Witness to History * ·Elrond, Witness to History * ·Cirdan, The Shipwright * ·Cirdan, The Shipwright * ·Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men * ·Radagast, The Brown * ·Gil-galad, Elven High King * ·Gandalf, Manager of Wizards * ·Gandalf, Manager of Wizards * ·Gandalf, Manager of Wizards * ·Gandalf, Manager of Wizards * Alliance Reforged * Alliance Reforged * Alliance Reforged * Alliance Reforged * Banner of Elbereth * Forearmed * Forearmed * Forearmed * Forearmed * ·Nenya, Ring of Adamant * ·Nenya, Ring of Adamant * ·Glimpse of Fate * ·Glimpse of Fate * Seclusion * Seclusion * Seclusion * Seclusion * Traveled Leader * Traveled Leader * Traveled Leader Shadow (33 cards) * ·Ulaire Toldea, Black Shadow * ·Ulaire Toldea, Black Shadow * ·Ulaire Toldea, Black Shadow * ·Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin * ·Ulaire Cantea, Black Assassin * ·Ulaire Enquea, Sixth of the Nine Riders * ·Ulaire Enquea, Sixth of the Nine Riders * ·Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor * ·Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor * Black Rider * Black Rider * Black Rider * Black Rider * ·The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders * ·The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders * ·The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders * ·Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders * ·Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders * ·Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders * Lost in the Woods * Lost in the Woods * Lost in the Woods * Lost in the Woods * Moving This Way * Moving This Way * Moving This Way * ·Hatred Stirred * ·Ulaire Otsea, Thrall of the One * ·Ulaire Nertea, Thrall of the One * ·Ulaire Lemenya, Assailing Minion * Dark Approach * Dark Approach * Dark Approach