===psq=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Boromir, Bearer of Council * ·The One Ring, The Ring of Rings Adventure Deck (9 cards) * East Road * Fortress of Orthanc * Neekerbreekers' Bog * Westemnet Village * Wold Battlefield * Helm's Gate * Pinnacle of Zirakzigil * Green Dragon Inn * Trollshaw Forest Free Peoples (34 cards) * ·Tom Bombadil, The Master (P) * ·Ghan-buri-Ghan, Chieftain of the Woses (P) * ·Radagast's Staff (P) * ·Lindenroot, Elder Shepherd * ·Skinbark, Fladrif * Terrible and Evil * Terrible and Evil * Saved From the Fire * Saved From the Fire * Saved From the Fire * Saved From the Fire * Mighty Steed * ·Treebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood * ·Brooding on Tomorrow * ·Glamdring, Foe-hammer * ·Erland, Dale Counselor * ·Shadowfax, Unequaled Steed * Prolonged Struggle * ·Birchseed, Tall Statesman * ·Quickbeam, Bregalad * Ent Draught * Huorn * Inspiration * Inspiration * Inspiration * Inspiration * ·Ent Horde * G for Grand * G for Grand * G for Grand * G for Grand * ·Gandalf, Leader of Men * Watch and Wait * ·Gandalf's Staff, Ash-Staff Shadow (34 cards) * Easterling Axeman * Easterling Axeman * Easterling Axeman * Easterling Axeman * ·Easterling Captain * ·Easterling Captain * ·Easterling Captain * ·Easterling Captain * Easterling Army * Easterling Army * Easterling Army * Easterling Army * Easterling Polearm * Easterling Polearm * Easterling Polearm * Easterling Polearm * ·Bold Men and Grim * Easterling Footman * Easterling Footman * ·Easterling Regiment * Red Wrath * Red Wrath * Red Wrath * Red Wrath * Small Hope * Small Hope * Small Hope * Small Hope * ·Easterling Pillager * ·Easterling Pillager * Raider Bow * Raider Bow * Raider Bow * Quelled