===gandalf gollum - standart=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ˇFrodo, Protected by Many * ˇThe One Ring, Such a Weight to Carry Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Anduin Banks * The Bridge of Khazad-dum * Anduin Confluence * Neekerbreekers' Bog * Slopes of Orodruin * Chamber of Mazarbul * Pinnacle of Zirakzigil * Heights of Isengard * North Undeep Free Peoples (33 cards) * ˇRadagast's Staff (P) * ˇTreebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood * ˇRadagast, The Brown * Saved From the Fire * Saved From the Fire * Saved From the Fire * Saved From the Fire * Sent Back * ˇGandalf, Leader of Men * Roll of Thunder * Roll of Thunder * Terrible and Evil * Terrible and Evil * Forest Guardian * ˇSting, Bane of the Eight Legs * ˇErland, Dale Counselor * ˇGandalf, Leader of the Company * ˇGandalf, Leader of the Company * G for Grand * G for Grand * ˇGlamdring, Foe-hammer * Out of the High Airs * ˇTom Bombadil, The Master (P) * ˇGandalf's Staff, Ash-Staff * Grown Suddenly Tall * Traveled Leader * Traveled Leader * All Save One * All Save One * Intimidate * Prolonged Struggle * Inspiration * ˇSam, Great Elf Warrior Shadow (33 cards) * ˇShelob, Her Ladyship * ˇShelob, Her Ladyship * ˇUnabated in Malice * ˇUnabated in Malice * Web * Web * Hidden Even From Her * Hidden Even From Her * ˇFat One Wants It * Captured by the Ring * Captured by the Ring * Captured by the Ring * Captured by the Ring * We Must Have It * We Must Have It * We Must Have It * We Must Have It * ˇGollum, Stinker * Evil-smelling Fens * Evil-smelling Fens * ˇSauron, The Lord of the Rings * Horribly Strong * Horribly Strong * Horribly Strong * Horribly Strong * ˇIncited * ˇDesert Lord (T) * ˇNot Yet Vanquished * ˇGollum, Dark as Darkness * Slippery as Fishes * Slippery as Fishes * ˇThe Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-dum * ˇThe Witch-king, Black Lord