===not what I played last night=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms * ·The One Ring, The Ring of Rings Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Crags of Emyn Muil * Neekerbreekers' Bog * Cavern Entrance * Ettenmoors * Caras Galadhon * Helm's Gate * Pinnacle of Zirakzigil * The Prancing Pony * Trollshaw Forest Free Peoples (35 cards) * Saved From the Fire * Saved From the Fire * Saved From the Fire * Saved From the Fire * ·Gandalf, Leader of Men (T) * ·Narsil, Blade of the Faithful * Sapling of the White Tree * Sapling of the White Tree * Sapling of the White Tree * ·Seeing Stone of Orthanc * ·Scroll of Isildur * ·Radagast, The Brown * Sent Back * ·Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith * ·Glamdring, Foe-hammer * ·Gandalf, Leader of the Company * ·Gandalf's Staff, Ash-Staff * New-awakened * New-awakened * ·Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar (T) * ·Faramir, Son of Denethor * Terrible and Evil * ·Anduril, Flame of the West * ·Elendil, The Tall * ·Derufin * Out of the High Airs * ·Garrison of Gondor * Footman's Armor * ·Stone Tower * ·Citadel of the Stars * Sharpen Your Swords * Knight's Spear * ·Garrison of Osgiliath * Sixth Level * Ranger of Ithilien Shadow (35 cards) * ·Flames Within * ·Flames Within * ·Rank and File * ·Rank and File * ·Rank and File * Advance Marauder * Advance Marauder * Advance Marauder * Advance Marauder * Advance Scout * Advance Scout * Advance Scout * ·Advance Captain * ·Advance Captain * ·Advance Captain * Troll of Cirith Gorgor * Troll of Cirith Gorgor * Troll of Cirith Gorgor * ·Ithil Stone * ·Ithil Stone * Orc Assault Band * ·Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol * ·Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol * Advance Regular * Advance Regular * Advance Regular * Gate Sentry * Gate Sentry * Gate Sentry * Cirith Ungol Sentinel * Cirith Ungol Sentinel * Cirith Ungol Sentinel * ·Orc Cutthroat * ·Grond, Hammer of the Underworld (T) * ·Grond, Hammer of the Underworld