===DiscardHobbits-OrcSwarm=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ˇFrodo, Protected by Many * ˇThe One Ring, Such a Weight to Carry Adventure Deck (9 cards) * The Bridge of Khazad-dum * Cavern Entrance * Shores of Nen Hithoel * Chamber of Mazarbul * Moria Stairway * West Gate of Moria * Moria Guardroom * Green Dragon Inn * The Prancing Pony Free Peoples (35 cards) * ˇSam, Great Elf Warrior * ˇPippin, Hobbit of Some Intelligence * ˇMerry, Loyal Companion * ˇBilbo, Melancholy Hobbit * ˇFarmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish * ˇTolman Cotton, Farmer of Bywater * ˇAragorn, Wingfoot * ˇSting, Weapon of Heritage * Hobbit Sword * Hobbit Sword * Hobbit Sword * Sudden Fury * Sudden Fury * A Promise * A Promise * A Promise * Birthday Present * Home and Hearth * Home and Hearth * Diversion * Diversion * Diversion * Warmed Up a Bit * Warmed Up a Bit * Warmed Up a Bit * Warmed Up a Bit * Knocked on the Head * Knocked on the Head * Knocked on the Head * Knocked on the Head * ˇThe Tale of the Great Ring * ˇAnduril, Flame of the West (T) * ˇAnduril, Flame of the West (T) * A Promise * Chance Observation Shadow (35 cards) * Goblin Hordes * Goblin Hordes * Goblin Hordes * Goblin Hordes * Conquered Halls * Conquered Halls * Dread and Despair * Denizen of Moria * Denizen of Moria * Denizen of Khazad-dum * Denizen of Khazad-dum * Denizen of Khazad-dum * Frenzied Orc * Frenzied Orc * Frenzied Orc * Frenzied Orc * Isengard Underling * Isengard Underling * Isengard Underling * Orkish Smith * Orkish Smith * Orkish Worker * Orkish Worker * Orkish Worker * Persistent Orc * Persistent Orc * Persistent Orc * Persistent Orc * Scurrying Goblin * Scurrying Goblin * Scurrying Goblin * Scurrying Goblin * Watchful Orc * Watchful Orc * Watchful Orc