===to sikonoume=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Frodo, Master of the Precious * ·The One Ring, The Answer To All Riddles (T) Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Edoras Hall * Rohirrim Camp * Hall of the Kings * Minas Tirith Fourth Circle * Pelennor Flat * Pelennor Prairie * Dagorlad * Morgulduin * Osgiliath Crossing Free Peoples (40 cards) * ·Eowyn, Lady of Rohan * ·Eomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark (P) * ·Firefoot (P) * ·Aragorn, Ranger of the North (T) * Simbelmyne (T) * Simbelmyne (T) * Simbelmyne (T) * ·Sam, Son of Hamfast * ·Aragorn, Heir of Elendil * ·Brego * Elite Rider * ·Eomer's Spear * ·Fortress Never Fallen * ·Fortress Never Fallen * ·King's Mail * An Honorable Charge * An Honorable Charge * ·Hlafwine, Village Farmhand * Rider's Mount * Rider's Spear * Rider's Spear * ·Arrow-slits * ·Arrow-slits * ·Arrow-slits * Thundering Host * Thundering Host * ·Sting, Baggins Heirloom * ·Hrethel, Rider of Rohan * ·We Left None Alive * ·Eowyn's Sword, Dernhelm's Blade * Fey He Seemed * Fey He Seemed * Fey He Seemed * Fey He Seemed * ·Deor * ·Leowyn * ·Theoden, Tall and Proud * ·Rohirrim Army * ·Fell Deeds Awake * ·The Tale of the Great Ring Shadow (40 cards) * ·Lurtz, Servant of Isengard (T) * ·Desert Lord (T) * Bred for Battle * Bred for Battle * Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us * Greed * ·Lurtz, Servant of Isengard * Lurtz's Battle Cry * Lurtz's Battle Cry * Saruman's Ambition * Saruman's Ambition * Saruman's Power * Saruman's Power * Uruk Warrior * Uruk Warrior * Uruk-hai Raiding Party * ·Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul * ·Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul * ·Uruk Captain * ·Uruk Captain * ·Uruk Captain * Ferocity * Broad-bladed Sword * Broad-bladed Sword * Broad-bladed Sword * Broad-bladed Sword * Abandoning Reason for Madness * ·Orthanc Champion * Uruk Rear Guard * Uruk Rear Guard * Uruk Regular * Uruk Regular * Uruk Regular * Uruk Regular * Uruk-hai Raiding Party * Uruk-hai Raiding Party * Uruk-hai Raiding Party * ·Berserk Rager * ·Berserk Rager * ·Berserk Butcher