===newstd=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Boromir, Bearer of Council * ·The One Ring, Answer To All Riddles Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Steps of Edoras * Rohirrim Camp * Hall of the Kings * Anduin Banks * Crashed Gate * Minas Tirith First Circle * Osgiliath Crossing * Morgulduin * Dagorlad Free Peoples (34 cards) * ·Noble Leaders * ·Noble Leaders * War and Valor * War and Valor * ·Boromir, My Brother * ·Faramir, Captain of Gondor * ·Faramir's Cloak * Ranger's Bow * Ranger's Bow * ·Citadel of the Stars * ·Garrison of Osgiliath * Sixth Level * ·Mablung, Soldier of Gondor * ·The Saga of Elendil * ·Aragorn, King in Exile * ·Aragorn, King in Exile * ·Aragorn, King in Exile * ·Anduril, Flame of the West * ·Legolas, Greenleaf * Ancient Roads * Ancient Roads * ·Ring of Barahir * ·Scroll of Isildur * ·Aragorn, King in Exile * ·Gondorian Merchant * Banner of Westernesse * Sword of Gondor * Ancient Roads * Ranger of Ithilien * ·Henneth Annun * ·Blade of Gondor * Ranger of Ithilien * Power According to His Stature * Ranger's Bow Shadow (34 cards) * ·Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul * Siege Troop * Siege Troop * Attack on Helm's Deep * Attack on Helm's Deep * Burning of Westfold * ·Down to the Last Child * ·Down to the Last Child * Uruk-hai Band * Uruk-hai Mob * Uruk-hai Mob * We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai * We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai * Sack of the Shire * Sack of the Shire * Sack of the Shire * Broad-bladed Sword * Broad-bladed Sword * Broad-bladed Sword * Broad-bladed Sword * Lurtz's Battle Cry * Lurtz's Battle Cry * Saruman's Ambition * Saruman's Ambition * ·Berserk Slayer * ·Berserk Slayer * ·Berserk Savage * ·Berserk Savage * ·Orthanc Berserker * Saruman's Ambition * Attack on Helm's Deep * ·Grima, Wormtongue * ·Grima, Chief Counselor * ·Berserk Slayer