===psi=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Gimli, Bearer of Grudges * ·The One Ring, The Binding Ring Adventure Deck (9 cards) * West Road * Hall of the Kings * Dagorlad * Rohirrim Road * Pelennor Prairie * Minas Tirith First Circle * Pelennor Grassland * Morgul Vale * Crashed Gate Free Peoples (32 cards) * Elven Bow * Elven Bow * Elven Bow * ·Legolas, Greenleaf * ·The Tale of Gil-galad * Valor * Valor * Valor * ·Shadow Between * ·Aiglos * ·Galadriel, Lady Redeemed * ·Cirdan, The Shipwright * ·Sam, Son of Hamfast * ·Sam, Son of Hamfast * ·Ring of Fury * Great Day, Great Hour * ·Brego * Great Day, Great Hour * ·Eowyn, Lady of Ithilien * Great Day, Great Hour * ·Cirdan, The Shipwright * Valor * Stand Against Darkness * Stand Against Darkness * Stand Against Darkness * Stand Against Darkness * ·Leowyn * ·Nenya, Ring of Adamant * ·Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men * ·Gil-galad, Elven High King * ·Nenya, Ring of Adamant * ·Eowyn's Shield Shadow (32 cards) * ·Grond, Hammer of the Underworld * ·Grond, Hammer of the Underworld * Troll of Cirith Gorgor * Troll of Cirith Gorgor * Troll of Cirith Gorgor * ·Ithil Stone * ·Ithil Stone * ·Gate Troll * ·Gate Troll * ·Gate Troll * Troll of Udun * Great Siege-towers * Great Siege-towers * Great Siege-towers * Great Siege-towers * Gorgoroth Assassin * Gorgoroth Assassin * Gorgoroth Assassin * Gorgoroth Assassin * Great Hill Troll * Great Hill Troll * Great Hill Troll * Great Hill Troll * Their Marching Companies * Their Marching Companies * ·Troll of Gorgoroth, Abomination of Sauron * ·Troll of Gorgoroth, Abomination of Sauron * Terrible as the Dawn * Terrible as the Dawn * Terrible as the Dawn * ·Orc Insurgent * ·Grond, Hammer of the Underworld