===LVPSE_8th_RyanPowell=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ˇFrodo, Reluctant Adventurer * ˇThe One Ring, Answer To All Riddles Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Steps of Edoras * Rohirrim Camp * Beacon of Minas Tirith * Pelennor Plain * City Gates * Minas Tirith First Circle * Pelennor Grassland * Morgulduin * Dagorlad Free Peoples (31 cards) * Hearts Raised * Hearts Raised * ˇBlade of Gondor * ˇThe Saga of Elendil * The Shire Countryside * The Shire Countryside * The Shire Countryside * The Shire Countryside * Don't Look at Them * Don't Look at Them * Don't Look at Them * Don't Look at Them * Don't Follow the Lights * Don't Follow the Lights * Don't Follow the Lights * Don't Follow the Lights * Not Listening * Not Listening * Not Listening * Elven Sword * Elven Sword * Elven Sword * Hobbit Sword * ˇFrodo's Cloak * ˇFrodo's Cloak * Escape * Escape * ˇMerry, Friend to Sam * ˇBoromir, Son of Denethor * ˇSmeagol, Always Helps * ˇBoromir's Cloak Shadow (31 cards) * ˇFat One Wants It * ˇFat One Wants It * Captured by the Ring * Captured by the Ring * Captured by the Ring * Captured by the Ring * ˇGollum, Old Villain * ˇThe Pale Blade * ˇThe Pale Blade * Black Steed * Black Steed * Black Steed * Black Steed * ˇOut of Sight and Shot * Ghastly Host * ˇUlaire Nelya, Lieutenant of Morgul * ˇUlaire Nelya, Lieutenant of Morgul * ˇUlaire Nelya, Lieutenant of Morgul * ˇUlaire Toldea, Messenger of Morgul * ˇUlaire Toldea, Messenger of Morgul * ˇUlaire Cantea, Faster Than Winds * ˇUlaire Cantea, Faster Than Winds * ˇUlaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul * ˇUlaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul * ˇUlaire Attea, Keeper of Dol Guldur * ˇUlaire Attea, Keeper of Dol Guldur * ˇThe Witch-king, Morgul King * ˇThe Witch-king, Morgul King * ˇThe Witch-king, Morgul King * ˇThe Witch-king, Morgul King * The Number Must Be Few