===supertelepathy=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom * ·The One Ring, Isildur's Bane (T) Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Rohirrim Road * West Road * Hall of the Kings * City Gates * Minas Tirith Seventh Circle * Morgul Vale * Dagorlad * City of the Dead * Osgiliath Channel Free Peoples (30 cards) * ·Aragorn, Ranger of the North (T) * ·Legolas, Greenleaf (T) * ·Gandalf's Staff * Grown Suddenly Tall * Forearmed * Forearmed * Forearmed * Forearmed * ·Gandalf, Manager of Wizards * ·Gandalf, Manager of Wizards * ·Gandalf, Manager of Wizards * Terrible and Evil * Terrible and Evil * ·Gil-galad, Elven High King * ·Gil-galad, Elven High King * ·Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath * ·Vilya, Ring of Air * ·Radagast, The Brown * ·Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor * ·Sam, Son of Hamfast * ·Shadow Between * ·Aiglos * ·Aiglos * Out of the High Airs * A Wizard Is Never Late * ·Narya, Ring of Fire * ·Glimpse of Fate * ·The Tale of Gil-galad * ·Elrond, Venerable Lord * ·Nenya, Ring of Adamant Shadow (30 cards) * Goblin Armory * Goblin Armory * Goblin Runner * Goblin Runner * Goblin Runner * Goblin Scavengers * Goblin Scavengers * Goblin Scavengers * Goblin Scimitar * Goblin Scimitar * Goblin Scimitar * Goblin Scimitar * Goblin Swarms * ·Guard Commander * ·Guard Commander * They Are Coming * They Are Coming * Goblin Scrabbler * Goblin Scrabbler * ·Host of Moria, Legion of the Underdeeps * ·Host of Moria, Legion of the Underdeeps * ·Sauron, The Lord of the Rings * ·Sauron, The Lord of the Rings * ·Sauron, The Lord of the Rings * Goblin Armory * Goblin Armory * Goblin Swarms * ·Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul * ·Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul * Goblin Runner