===PSEDay1(BOO)=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ˇGimli, Bearer of Grudges * ˇThe One Ring, The Ring of Rings Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Anduin Banks * Crags of Emyn Muil * Neekerbreekers' Bog * Cavern Entrance * Barazinbar * Wold Battlefield * Caras Galadhon * Dammed Gate-stream * Caves of Aglarond Free Peoples (33 cards) * ˇLinnar, Dwarven Lord * ˇDurin III, Dwarven Lord * ˇRing of Fury * ˇRing of Fury * ˇRing of Accretion * ˇRing of Guile * Blood Runs Chill * Blood Runs Chill * Blood Runs Chill * Blood Runs Chill * No Pauses, No Spills * No Pauses, No Spills * No Pauses, No Spills * No Pauses, No Spills * Dwarven Bracers * Dwarven Bracers * Axe of Khazad-dum * Axe of Khazad-dum * Axe of Khazad-dum * Baruk Khazad * Baruk Khazad * Follow Smeagol * Don't Look at Them (AI) * Don't Look at Them (AI) * Don't Look at Them (AI) * ˇSmeagol, Always Helps * ˇGimli's Battle Axe, Trusted Weapon * Baruk Khazad (AI) * Baruk Khazad (AI) * Dwarf-lords * Dwarf-lords * Dwarf-lords * Battle to the Last Shadow (33 cards) * ˇCastamir of Umbar * ˇCastamir of Umbar * Corsair War Galley * Corsair War Galley * Corsair War Galley * Corsair War Galley * Black Sails of Umbar * Black Sails of Umbar * Black Sails of Umbar * Black Sails of Umbar * Wind That Sped Ships * Wind That Sped Ships * Wind That Sped Ships * Wind That Sped Ships * Corsair Plunderer * Corsair Plunderer * Corsair Plunderer * Corsair Plunderer * Black Numenorean * Black Numenorean * Black Numenorean * Corsair Marauder * Corsair Marauder * Ships of Great Draught * Ships of Great Draught * Ships of Great Draught * Quelled * Quelled * Quelled * Fierce in Despair * ˇCastamir of Umbar (T) * ˇCastamir of Umbar (T) * Corsair Marauder (T)