===PSIDECK=== By Automatically Converted by LDC_Converter.py //Pulled from [[http://lotrtcgwiki.com/forums/index.php?topic=8730.new#new|this TLHH post]] on 2014-05-03.// //// !Ring-bearer (2 cards) * ·Boromir, Bearer of Council * ·The One Ring, The Answer To All Riddles (T) Adventure Deck (9 cards) * Anduin Banks * Crags of Emyn Muil * Fangorn Glade * Slag Mounds * Stables * Westemnet Village * West Gate of Moria * North Undeep * Trollshaw Forest Free Peoples (40 cards) * ·Legolas, Woodland Emissary * ·Galadriel, Lady Redeemed * Elven Marksmanship * Elven Marksmanship * Elven Marksmanship * Elven Marksmanship * Nocked * Nocked * Nocked * Nocked * ·Legolas' Bow * ·Legolas' Bow * ·Shadow Between * ·Shadow Between * ·The Splendor of Their Banners * Elven Bow * Elven Bow * Elven Bow * Elven Bow * Elf-song * Elf-song * Elf-song * Elf-song * ·Celeborn, Lord of the Galadhrim * ·Eowyn, Lady of Ithilien * ·Leowyn * ·Brego * ·Elrond, Venerable Lord * ·Elrond, Venerable Lord * ·Elrond, Venerable Lord * ·Elrond, Venerable Lord * ·Nenya, Ring of Adamant * ·Nenya, Ring of Adamant * ·Tom Bombadil, The Master (P) * ·Aragorn, Ranger of the North * ·Vilya, Ring of Air * ·Cirdan, The Shipwright * Elven Sword * ·Gandalf, Leader of the Company * ·Eowyn's Sword, Dernhelm's Blade Shadow (40 cards) * Isengard Tinker * Isengard Tinker * Isengard Tinker * Isengard Tinker * Isengard Forger * Isengard Forger * Isengard Forger * Isengard Forger * Isengard Servant * Isengard Servant * Isengard Servant * Isengard Shaman * Isengard Shaman * Isengard Shaman * Isengard Shaman * Isengard Worker * Isengard Worker * Isengard Worker * Isengard Worker * Isengard Journeyman * Isengard Journeyman * Isengard Journeyman * Isengard Journeyman * ·Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul * ·Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul * Captured by the Ring * Captured by the Ring * Captured by the Ring * Captured by the Ring * Goblin Runner * Goblin Runner * Goblin Runner * Goblin Runner * Isengard Warrior * Isengard Warrior * Isengard Warrior * ·Gollum, Dark as Darkness * Warg-rider * Warg-rider * Saruman's Power